Turkmen news: President Serdar Berdimuhamedov left for Germany for treatment

On June 21, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov went to Germany for medical treatment, according to Turkmen news . .

Passenger Boeing 777-200 LR taking off from Ashgabat with tail number EZ-A780 landed at Munich Airport at 6:40 am local time and then flew to Frankfurt.

According to the publication, Berdimuhamedov Jr. went to one of the clinics in Munich and will return to Turkmenistan on June 23.

These data are indirectly confirmed by the fact that on Mondays the head of state, as a rule, holds a working meeting with the heads of regions, but on June 21, no reports on the work of the president were published in the news feeds of state publications.

In addition, despite the fact that this aircraft is a passenger aircraft (Turkmenistan Airlines received it in June 2021), ex-President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov often used it for his flights, although three other Boeings are registered in the presidential fleet (two - 737 th and one - 777th) in VVIP configuration .

On it, in early June, Serdar Berdimuhamedov flew to Saudi Arabia to perform a small hajj .

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan