Two fifths of all goods sold in Kyrgyzstan produced in Russia

«We carried out an analysis. To date, up to 40 percent of the goods on the shelves in Kyrgyzstan are Russian products. This makes us happy,» Ainur Samanov, trade representative of the Russian Federation in the Kyrgyz Republic, said at a briefing on March 22. According to him, Russian products are in demand in Kyrgyzstan both in terms of price and quality. Food products, agricultural and specialized equipment, cosmetics, building materials are purchased the most. «The Kyrgyz Republic is a promising region in Central Asia for Russian business. Russian business is already actively participating in projects in the republic. The trade promotion office is responsible for the implementation of business projects both on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and Russia with the participation of businesses from the two countries. Work is underway to actively promote the interests of Russian and Kyrgyz companies that intend to implement joint projects. For example, Motorika entered the Kyrgyz market last year. This is an example of the transfer of high technologies and social responsibility -10 prostheses for children were made with the support of one of the Russian charitable organizations,» Ainur Samanov told.

Source: News Agency