Way out of difficult situation for Armenia is to implement trilateral agreements of Yerevan, Baku and Moscow at highest level, says Russian top diplomat

Baku: "The way out of the difficult situation for Armenia is obvious: to implement the trilateral agreements of Yerevan, Baku and Moscow at the highest level," Russia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov told TASS in an exclusive interview. "Now Armenia is facing a number of challenges. And it will not be possible to solve them with the help of Western players. The US and the EU, unlike Russia, are not trying to bring peace and stability to the country and the South Caucasus as a whole," the top Russian diplomat pointed out. "Their task is quite different: to squeeze out Moscow and other regional players, to create a new hotbed of tension, following the example of the Balkans, the Middle East and Ukraine," Lavrov added. He also described any speculations on the expediency of the 102nd Russian military base in Armenia as harmful, saying Russia expects Armenia to realize the risk of losing its sovereignty in terms of national defense and security through deepening dialogue with the North Atlantic Alli ance. "I hope, Yerevan is aware that any deepening of cooperation with the alliance may result in its losing sovereignty in the sphere of national defense and security," Russia's top diplomat said. Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency