54 transactions registered at SCRMET

For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Turkey, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Malta purchased low-sulphur fuel oil, motor gasoline, hydrotreated diesel fuel and lighting kerosene produced at the Turkmenbas...
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In St. Petersburg, a migrant from Turkmenistan was shot in the face

On the night of January 17, on Sofiyskaya Street in St. Petersburg, a conflict broke out between a local resident and a visitor from Turkmenistan, as a result of which the latter received a gunshot wound to the cheek. This is reported by the informatio...
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The second stage of construction of the ring energy system of Turkmenistan has started

Contracting organizations of the state concern "Turkmenenergostroy" have begun the second stage of construction of the ring energy system of Turkmenistan. Its goal is to unite the power grids of the Balkan and Dashoguz velayats (regions), thereby ensur...
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