New technologies at the oldest fields

In 2023, the Gumdag field, located in the western region of Turkmenistan, «celebrated» its 75-year milestone of industrial development. The first long-awaited oil inflow was obtained at well No. 1 in 1947. Currently, a whole network of wells is operat...
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Romantic voyage to France accompanied by the string orchestra of Tahyr Atayev

At the numerous requests of the public, the string orchestra conducted by Tahyr Atayev prepared the concert program «Le Tour De France», which became a kind of continuation of the musical tour in one of the most romantic countries in the world.A virtu...
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Harmony in the life and work of Rahman and Dilber Umarovs

The exhibition centre of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan opened an exhibition of paintings and ceramic works by Rahman and Dilber Umarovs, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the artist.For the first time in this Exhibition Centre, and it was 25 ...
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Turkmenistan sent another humanitarian aid to the fraternal people of Türkiye

At an enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the results of the past year, the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero Arkadag was announced to provide humanitarian aid to the fraternal country from the Charitable Foundat...
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Expression of empathy and support at a difficult moment is a primordial feature of the Turkmen people

Words of deep empathy and support to the fraternal Turkish people, who suffered from a strong earthquake that caused numerous human casualties, injuries and large-scale destruction, were expressed by Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova, the spouse of the Nationa...
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The delegation of Turkmenistan took part in the first Inter-Parliamentary Forum of Central Asian States

On February 9-10, 2023, the first Inter-Parliamentary Forum of Central Asian States was held in the city of Turkestan of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The forum was attended by the Turkmen delegation headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmen...
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Negotiations with the US Ambassador were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Myakhri Byashimova met with the US Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Ashgabat Matthew Klimow.During the talks, the state and prospects for the development of Turkmen-American relations in the politi...
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The nomination of candidates for deputies in the elections to the Parliament of Turkmenistan continues

The nomination of candidates for deputies in the elections to the Mejlis (parliament) of Turkmenistan, which will be held on March 26, continues.At meetings of the committees for nominating candidates from the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, the Agra...
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Turkmenistan leads in the cheapest gasoline prices in the countries of Central Asia and the CIS

The cheapest gasoline in the Central Asian region and the CIS is in Turkmenistan. This conclusion is confirmed by the data provided in the world ranking of automotive fuel prices compiled by the GlobalPetrolPrices portal as of January 30th. According ...
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Pakistan is ready to implement the TAPI gas pipeline, – media

Pakistan has shown readiness to proceed with the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project with or without India, as Afghanistan is ready to assemble special forces for this project. This was stated by Minister of State for P...
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