Turkmenistan leads in the cheapest gasoline prices in the countries of Central Asia and the CIS

The cheapest gasoline in the Central Asian region and the CIS is in Turkmenistan. This conclusion is confirmed by the data provided in the world ranking of automotive fuel prices compiled by the GlobalPetrolPrices portal as of January 30th.

According to these data, among the countries of the world, Turkmenistan is on the 8th place in the list with a price of $0.42 per liter. The study takes into account the price of A-95 gasoline. The cheapest fuel in Venezuela is $0.01 per liter. The top three also included Libya and Iran - $0.03 and $0.05 respectively.

The most expensive was gasoline in Hong Kong - $ 2.94 per liter. In Iceland, a liter of gasoline costs $2.28, in Norway - $2.26. The average price of gasoline worldwide was $1.31 per litre.

Oil refineries of Turkmenistan fully meet the needs of the domestic market in automotive fuel. Part of the manufactured products is sold abroad through the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange to the countries of Europe and Central Asia, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.

Source: Nebit-Gaz