The President of Turkmenistan took part in the opening of a center for the repair of power equipment

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of the Center for repair and maintenance of power equipment built in the Buzmeyinsky district of Ashgabat.

The construction of the center, equipped with modern equipment and advanced technologies of the American company General Electric, was carried out by the Turkish company Chalyk Energy. Since the Turkmen energy sector consists of gas-fired power plants equipped with General Electric gas turbines, the center will mainly repair the company's equipment. As a result, there is no need to send turbine parts for repair abroad.

The President of Turkmenistan, speaking at the opening ceremony, noted that the country pays special attention to the development of the energy industry. According to the head of state, a number of new modern power plants have been built in the regions of Turkmenistan in recent years, and the implementation of several more large projects in this area is ongoing.

After the opening ceremony of the enterprise, the head of state inspected the workshops and got acquainted with the peculiarities of their work. Also, the Turkmen leader left a commemorative entry in the Book of Honored Guests and handed over the keys to the new official vehicles intended for the new production facility to the Minister of Energy of Turkmenistan.
