The tender for the construction of a gas chemical plant at the Bagadzhinskoye field has been extended

The State Concern "Turkmengas" extended the international tender for the construction of a gas chemical plant for the production of methanol, ammonia, methyldiethanolamine, diethylene glycol and triethylene glycol, as well as for the reconstruction of the existing amine desulphurization unit and the production of liquefied gas in order to obtain an ethane fraction at the Bagaja site in Lebap velayat on the basis of direct investment . The announcement was placed in the newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan" dated February 1.

Applications are accepted within 30 business days.

The tender was originally announced on 7 October. A week earlier, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 30, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to purchase equipment for the modernization and bringing to full capacity of the Bagadzha complex for gas purification and production of liquefied gas. On December 9, the tender was extended .

It should be noted that back in June 2020, Turkmengas re-announced an international tender to select a contractor for the supply of equipment, overhaul and modernization of the 1st and 2nd Bagaj technological lines.

Bagadzha is a gas condensate field in the Lebap velayat of Turkmenistan. The Bagadzhin gas processing complex with a total cost of $52.35 million was put into operation in 2006. The second stage of the plant started operating in 2011. The complex was built by the Canadian company Thermo Design Engineering ltd. Then it was reported that liquefied gas from here would be exported - through the terminal in the city of Seydi, and gas condensate - to the Seydi oil refinery, where light oil products, which are in high demand on world markets, will be produced from it. In addition, from Bagadzhi "blue fuel" will be supplied to the consumer network of the Amudarya valley - for production needs and the population of Lebap.

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan