Turkmenistan purchased five Russian diesel locomotives

The Agency "Turkmenistan Railways" has purchased five Russian-made mainline freight locomotives to increase the volume of cargo transportation.These traction machines were developed by the specialists of the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant (JSC Transmas...
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Turkmenistan passed a law regulating the breeding and use of alabai

On July 16, a meeting of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh was held, at which the deputies considered the draft laws of Turkmenistan “On e-government” and “On dog breeding and cynological activities,” the state information agency TDH reports . The first ...
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Exchange news

Last week, 49 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan bought gasoline, aviation...
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Turkmenistan purchased five diesel locomotives for operation in severe climatic conditions

Five Russian-made mainline freight diesel locomotives were purchased by the Turkmendemiryollary agency , Turkmenistan: The Golden Age reported on July 16.“Traction vehicles were developed by specialists of the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant (JSC Trans...
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Hydrometeorological centers of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan warn of intense heat in areas bordering Turkmenistan

According to the Meteozhurnal publication, the hydrometeorological centers of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan warn citizens about extreme heat for a week in the regions bordering Turkmenistan.According to Uzhydromet , on July 17-22, the removal of hot air fr...
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