EBRD to help Turkmenistan put out Hell’s Gate crater

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will provide services in design studies to extinguish the Darvaza gas crater located in the Karakum Desert. EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso stated this in his letter to Acting President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov , the state information agency TDH reported on March 7 .

The president of the organization expressed his gratitude "for the efforts and commitment of Turkmenistan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions" and noted that the EBRD "follows with great interest the decision of the government of Turkmenistan to pay attention to the problem of the burning gas crater in Darvaz" .

It is noted that the EBRD will explore the possibility of mobilizing donor funds to organize and prepare a feasibility study to assist the government of Turkmenistan in identifying all suitable options for reducing harmful CO2 and methane emissions from the Darvaza crater.

“The EBRD, in cooperation with the Turkmen colleagues, could prepare the relevant terms of reference, select and conclude a contract with qualified consultants, as well as create a working group with relevant ministries and departments to use all available knowledge and experience in developing the study,” the letter says.

At a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on January 7, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to put out the Darvaza crater, as a huge amount of gas has been burning there for many years, which negatively affects the environment and the health of people living nearby.

“Thus, raw materials are lost, for the export of which you can get a significant profit. And we will find where to use the gas!” Berdimuhamedov said and ordered to gather scientists, and, if necessary, to attract foreign consultants and find a solution to extinguish the crater.

Source: Chronicles of Turkmenistan