Next issue of “Arkadagly Ýa?lar” Magazine released

The third issue for 2023 of «Arkadagly Ýaslar» e-Magazine of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan has been released.

Our readers share their impressions of the new song Ýaslara Gutlag (Congratulations to Youth) by the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the introductory article. The full text of the song is posted in the issue.

The article «Ülkäme toý bolup gelen ýazlarym» (Spring Festival Coming to My Land) presents the news about March events.

In Turkmenistan, much attention is paid to instilling the spiritual and moral values and traditions of the Turkmen people in young people. In this regard, the article about Arkadag’s book «Ömrümin manysy» (The Meaning of My Life) will be of particular interest to all readers of Arkadagly Ýaslar Magazine. Chapter «Milletin ruhy-ahlak mekdebi» (Spiritual and Moral School of the Nation) of the book reflects on the sacred Muslim holidays Oraza Bayram and Kurban Bayram.

The article «Bir nahal eksen, ýasyn baky» (Those who plant a tree will live forever) by the Editor-in-Chief at Arkadagly Ýaslar Magazine is dedicated to the nationwide tree planting campaign, which was lunched by the esteemed President in March.

The issue features the articles about the elections to the Mejlis, velayat, etrap and city halk maslahaty and gengeshes, which were held on March 26, 2023, – one of the most important political events of the year, the theme of which is «Arkadag Serdarly bagtyýar ýaslar» (Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar).

The issue presents the results of the annual beauty contests «Talyp gözeli – 2023» (The Most Beautiful Student) and «In eýjejik gyzjagaz – 2023» (The Cutest Girl), jointly organised by the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organization, the Ministry of Education and the Central Council of the Women’s Union.

The articles about the National Spring Holiday will be of particular interest to our readers.

The article «Türkmen tebigaty - ynsan kalbynyn ylham çesmesi» (Turkmen nature is a source of inspiration) reflects on environmental Issues.

Section «Ylym ginisligine ak ýol» (Good Way to the World of Science) presents the research works of the winners of the competition for young scientists.

The theme of the article «Nusga bolup galsyn ilden-illere» (Mothers Precept) is the needlework skills of Turkmen women and girls.

The issue contains the articles that encourage our youth to study foreign languages.

The article devoted to the jeweller’s art of a student at the Faculty of Applied Arts of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan Amanmyrat Gurbanveliyev will grab the attention of our readers.

The poetic reflection «Göwün pelsepesi ýa-da ýagsylyk hakynda söhbet» (Soul philosophy or a conversation about goodness) will arouse great interest among our readers. This is a collection of philosophical statements about spring in English and an English translation of the verses created by young Turkmen poets.

The issue presents the results of the art contest announced by the editorial board of «Arkadagly Ýaslar» Magazine jointly with «Türkmenistan Sport» International Magazine and announces the winner of the competition «Ýas waspçy» (Young Poet) in March.

Source: Turkmenistan State News Agency